The tetraploid wheat gene family database

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The LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (LOB)-domain (LBD)/ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE (ASL) gene is a newly discovered transcription factor gene family, playing important roles in various aspects of plant growth and development. The first LBD gene, named LOB, was found based on the expression analysis of an enhancer trap line. The LBD genes in Class I contain a highly conserved CX2CX6CX3C (X are residues not conserved) zinc-finger-like motif (C block), a GAS (Gly-Ala-Ser) block, and a LX6LX3LX6L leucine zipper-like coiled-coil motif, whereas those in Class II only contain a C block. The C block is approximately 22 amino acids in length, and is associated with DNA-binding. The GAS block is a conserved motif starting with a FX2VH motif and ending with a DP (V/I)G motif. The GAS motif and leucine zipper-like motif are required for protein-protein interaction of LBDs.