The tetraploid wheat gene family database

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MAP kinases (MAPKs), MAPK kinases (MAPKKs), MAPKK kinases (MAPKKKs) and MAPKKK kinases (MAPKKKKs). MAPK cascades are important for plant growth, development and defence against biotic and abiotic stress. Furthermore, MAPK cascades are very likely to be involved in secondary metabolism, including camalexin, indole glucosinolate, nicotine, anthocyanin and phytoalexin. MAPKKK genes could be further divided into three groups, which owned the conserved motifs of G(T/S)Px(W/Y/F)MAPEV, GTxx(W/Y)MAPE and GTPEFMAPE(L/V)Y for MEKK, Raf-like and ZIK subfamilies, respectively.